Sunday, September 11, 2011

~~9/11 day~~

  Its 10th anniversary of 9/11 and I never knew I would be in this city when it happened a decade ago. Since the memorial is being opened today and lots of VIPs are visiting the site I  decided to skip going downtown.
   Later afternoon I was in mid town I could see the new world trade center being built. Just wondered its easy to destroy something but rebuilding it will take years. If it takes more than a decade to rebuild a building I was thinking about building a nation, it might take ages!


  1. The memorial looks beautiful!!...eager to see it on our next NYC visit
    Memorial at PA is also still underway...wonder how long that will take..

  2. Sri, forget about building nation or whatsoever, just think - how loooong it'z taking you to build your family

  3. @sheila
    we have to reserve in advance to see memorial ( may be after a month or so it shd be fine)

    thats the easiest things to do and can do anytime and certainly not now :)

  4. no probs Sri...only planning for next summer...i know U'll still be there :)

  5. I cant forget this day 9/11 for 2 reasons... obviously, u all know what's the first one? can anyone of you guess the second one?:):):)

  6. Vivekanda's famous speech in Chicago!

  7. @Sriram,

    I just came to know that Vivekananda gave speech on the same day!:):):)Thanks for the info!!
    Keep trying!!

  8. Priya...don't tell me that U were that excited to meet Sri!!!!! :)

  9. @Sheila,
    U got it! I met Sriram for the first time in NY,USA...that too on 9/11/2011, the 10th anniversary of 9/11!...:):):) :):):):)

  10. let it go down in history as another 'frozen moment in time' :))

  11. hehe
    yea yea ida kalvettula padikanum :)
