Thursday, August 11, 2011

~~Movie night~~

   In summer we have many movies screening in different parks of the city. One I found worth watching was  in the Brooklyn Bridge park in Brooklyn. The screening was called movie with a view overlooking the Manhattan skyline. The movie shown today was Breakfast at Tiffany's starring Audrey Hepburn one of my favorite actress.

Knowing that it will be crowded we went there a 30 minutes early but even then the lawn was fully packed but we squeezed in between little place available in the middle of the lawn. When we looked around most of the people were busy munching something, my Eastern Europe classmate commented going for movie in their country is a culture but here people come to eat. Anyways I told her to enjoy the movie and the view.

The movie was taken in 1960s in New York where Audrey Hepburn play a role of New York socialite with a sole aim of marrying a millionare. Her neighbour is guy is a struggling writer who is trying his luck in New York. The movie is about the complicated relationship between two of them.It was fun to watch the movie in Open air theater bringing memories of many movies I have seen in Trichy club. More than the movie the view of Manhattan skyline was really wonderful. I patted myself for choosing a good park to see the movie.


  1. Summer time outdoor movies/concerts are always fun...enjoy

  2. luv Audrey Hepburn and luv watching her movies. My all time fav...Roman Holiday and Wait until Dark
