Wednesday, August 10, 2011

~~Book I read~~

    When I was in the border's stores looking for books to pick, I found the book Marley and Me. I have seem this movie two years back in Chennai and really enjoyed the full movie. Its about a naughty dog and  the troubles it brings along pictured in a funny way. Since the book is always better than a movie I thought I will read the book.

The book was ridiculously funny and I laughed loud at  many parts while reading the book , my room mate would have thought I was crazy laughing alone. The book was well written and hilarious along with toughing parts embedded all the way. One of the good reads this summer.


  1. Sri...i thoought it's a well known fact that you are crazy!! :)

  2. if u say scientists r crazy so am I :))

  3. Whoattt!!! U a scientist?!?!?!

  4. ..his name is changed to "Sridison"....
