Saturday, August 27, 2011

~~Movie Marathon~~

 With hurricane threatening to hit the city around the corner , the whole city has shut down. This is this first time subway system of New York is getting closed as a precautionary measure to avert damages coming from a natural disaster. People who are living in downtown river facing apartments have been evacuated from the city.
Its kind of boring to sit in home all the day long doing nothing. So I decided to watch movies. By the end of the day I watch three back to back movies.
1) Me Myself and Irene
   The title suited apt for the day, its the usual Jim Carey movie where you shouldn't look for any logic but just laugh.
2) Definitely Maybe:
    Its a story of a met dad telling his daughter on how he met his mother. He starts his life as ambitious young man coming to New York working for the campaign for Bill Clinton and meeting new friends.
3)Trading Places:
    This was movie I really enjoyed staring Eddie Murphy taken during early 80s. Two brothers who are owner of big brokerage firm have a bet that money makes a man's character. They hire Eddie Murphy who is a homeless guy as their new manager and fire their present manager by putting false charges and making him penniless. What happens next is told in a funny way.

So here is the picture of Grand Central and traffic around the city. First time I have seen the station empty and road around the city green in color.


  1. I remember seeing Trading Places it back to back again tomorrow also??

  2. nah date with Irene will be over by afternoon, so planning to venture out and assess the situation in evening:)
