Sunday, August 28, 2011

~~Irene- Big Flop~~

    The much awaited Irene didn't bother to make any major impact in the city apart from breaking few branches off the trees and bringing down few letter boxes. Since I forgot to close my bathroom window two of my shampoo bottles were knocked down but as I had closed them tightly not much damage was done.

When I got up in the morning it was bright outside and I knew that the storm was weakened and decided to check how it is outside.  After having my breakfast I ventured out to the nearby river. Wow the sight was awesome the wind and surge from the Atlantic ocean made the  Hudson river to flow in the opposite direction. There were few branches flowing in the river apart from few debris caused by the rain. There were few people who had come to see the river. One person looked at me and said disappointing right, I agreed with him I expected some trees to float in the river. He added he is still more disappointed as he has to goto work on Monday.

It was fun to see seagulls trying fly ,with the wind speed the only thing they could do was to fly in the direction was the wind. I spent more than an hour in the river talk with people there and with few people on the phone. Finally came back home when I was hungry.


  1. புயல் மழையில் ஒருவன் பிஸ்ஸா வாங்க கடைக்கு செல்கிறான் -

    கடைக்காரர் : சார் உங்களுக்கு கல்யாணம் ஆயிடுச்சா...

    வந்தவர்: பின்ன இந்த புயல் மழைல எங்க அம்மாவா என்னை பிஸ்ஸா வாங்க அனுப்புவாங்க...!??

  2. Some are lucky, some are not with Irene. One of our friend in NJ is out of power and trying his best to keep his basement out of flooding. Another one has 4 ft of water in the basement, dealing with it.

  3. were in the wrong place at the wrong time..

  4. Taking words from

    The point of this post wasn't to undermine the damage of Irene or imply that we all wanted more destruction.
    1. The weather on this planet is very, very fickle. The worst disasters aren't the ones we see broadcasted on CNN days before they happen, with newscasters promoting which Twitter hash tag you should use meanwhile situating their cameras to maximize the dramatic effect of floodwater. The worst disasters come out of nowhere with very little warning, such as the Japanese tsunami or hurricane Katrina.
    2. Hurricane Irene was a hype-fest of epic proportions and I'm betting whoever runs The Weather Channel is probably buying himself another mega-yacht this week.

  5. Yeah right!!! Sri, mind it, they predict better than economist predict the market!!!

  6. If I were still in MA, I wud be without power..

  7. @Sathi
    dont blame the economists for the policies implemented by politicians :)

  8. JP, i never thought Maloo loves pizza?
