Monday, July 4, 2011

~~New mobile~~

  Last week I was charging my mobile phone and when one of my friend called, when I picked up the phone it became blank.I was able to talk with him but the display system was totally gone. I was able to receive calls but couldn't see who called , I was able to receive message but couldn't read the messages. I had similar issues with my mobile phones in India as most of them will some kind of issue in an year, it has become a vicious circle. So I took the mobile to the service center and as usual they did try do some gimmicks to make it work but after few tries they finally gave and told they will give me a new replacement.
 I was using the blank phone for few days until the replacement came, since I wasn't in home to collect it I went to the fedex office to get the same. Then I went to the service center again to activate the new cell copied all the contact details into the new phone. Fortunately I was able to get the information of people who called me whom I missed to call back.

I never bothered to personalize the phone and have used with its default settings. So when I took it Pittsburgh for the vacation Swetha asked me how can you have a phone even without a proper wall paper.So I gave it her to make it a better looking phone. She put a banner,changed to stylish font,created useful short cuts and finally put a pic which we took in NYC as wall paper.

So I m all set to use the new(replacement) phone! 


  1. Sri...I've never had any probs with the many cell fones I've had so far (I know how to take care of my things) :)

  2. செல்போன் மனம் விட்டு பேசினால் எப்படி இருக்கும்!

    Pl readசெல்-பேசும்-வார்த்தைகள்
