Tuesday, July 5, 2011

~~Cool bus driver~~

  I am a big fan of public transport and New York city is one of the places well connected by public transport system. I have taken buses to Philly,DC,Charlotte ,Pittsburgh etc using different different bus services. My favourite is the megabus the double Decker bus with wifi connection. Though their schedules might be erratic sometimes its economical to go in that.
  Yesterday I was returning from Pittsburgh to New york, all these buses have intercom using which drivers communicate to the passengers. Mostly they will give normal instructions what to do, how long will the bus stop for a break etc. Our driver moved didn't give these announcement like a robot but gave instructions in his own way. Like "Drinking is not allowed in the bus if you really want to drink wait till we reach New York I would suggest you a wonderful bar" , "The bus will stop in this service station for 15 minutes ,make sure you are right back on time else your luggage will reach New York before you do and I will pick you up from the station same time tomorrow" and when the bus was in the city he started honking and told "I am honking not to clear traffic but just to let you know we reached NYC"
  Apart from that he drove so well that he reached the city 20 minutes ahead of schedule!


  1. KG's doubt -

    ஹோட்டல்ல காசில்லைன்னு சொன்னா மாவாட்ட சொல்லுவாங்க.
    பஸ்ல காசில்லைன்னு சொன்னா பஸ் ஓட்ட சொல்லுவாங்களா?

  2. No JP,

    maybe to clean the bus

    btw, JP, for the next 12 days i'll not be responding to your jokes / messages / Q's..as internet connectivity is poor in Leh / Ladakh zone....

  3. KG
    no rubbing salts :)) have a gr8 trip!

  4. Sri,

    Come to India soon, have still some "amazing" pending trip :)
