Sunday, May 1, 2011

~~Osama dead -Cost America paid~~

I heard the news Osama Bin Laden was killed by the American troops after 10 long years of witch hunt. It was good to hear Obama giving a wonderful speech uplifting the patriotic spirits of the entire nation.

But at what cost it took to acheive this goal ? Did America paid too much for it ?. In 911 attack around 3000 people died but to kill Osama and destroy Al queda, America started the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Around 7000 soldiers have been killed in these two wars and around 50000 have been injured. The cost of running the war in Afganistan is $400,225,824,340 and the cost of running it in Iraq was $787,878,147,208 totaling upto almost 1.2 trillion dollars. It may be heroic to say American troops killed Osama Bin Laden and would surely sealed the chance of Obama winning the reelection in 2012 but the economic burden that this whole operation have put in America will transfer the cost of the war to the next generation. I cant help thinking how mighty Americans were in 2001 compared to China and after a decade things have turned. Anyways its would interesting to see the US strategy in Afghanistan after Osama. Soon they exit the better it is for them.


  1. Sri exactly my point too....At what cost?...and this whole thing ...of melodrama...

    Obviously, US should pull out

    And, never ever under estimate China - pretend it's sleeping but "mighty" and one to watch out for - "closely"...

  2. for once...think like a human and not an economist

  3. @Kg
    no one still thinks China as sleeping, time 2011 have put Hu Jinto as world's no.1 person over taking Obama!

    If I think as human its even more depressing- Obama talked about 3000 empty seats at dinner table after 911 but these wars resulted in 7000 death in US military, if we consider civilian casualties its approximately 100000 in Iraq and 25000 in Afghanistan. So we should think how many empty dinner tables the war has created!

  4. oh, so you are saying just leave him at large and he will keep planning something and keep killing people?
    US did the right thing by killing him; AL-Qaeda is a terrorist organization which has to be uprooted; remember, its a war against terrorism; Don't bring Iraq here - Its a totally different story; Agree China is getting mighty - but remember India & Russia are also getting mighty; China may look scary, but i don't even think China can control Asian region

  5. Using Micheal Moore's quote!
    Obama took 2 years 2 do what Bush couldn't do in over 7. It's the dif btwn stupid in charge or smart.
    STUPID pursues 2 reckless wars, let's OBL escape Tora Bora, keeps looking in caves. SMART sends in small strikeforce, no troops killed 2day.
    many intelligence sources told Osama was in Pakistan but search was done elsewhere!

  6. Sri...the whole war and the 100000 lives lost was because of this one person. You are looking at it from a broader perspective than me. I'm still very deeply affected by that day Sri...its so hard to forget. Today my Moslem colleague and friend told me, "If I was mistreated and looked down upon all these years, it was bcos of that one man". For many of us this is personal...I cannot think about it in an economical ...or...political way

  7. Sheila
    I would definitely not agree 100000 lives were lost beacause of Osama !
    If the person is the problem, plan a way to eliminate him alone not send a whole army destroy two countries and kill all the innocent people living in that country!
    I appriciate the way Obama handled this issue!

  8. One more final quote!
    ‎"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  9. Sri...Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect yours :) I always speak from my heart and not from other's :)

  10. its better to remember what MLK said :)
    in fact Obama quoted Gandhi and won the election!

  11. MLK's words are indeed "GOLDEN" to be remembered always but try telling that to someone who suffered a great loss that day..
    and..I'm not contesting for any election! :))

  12. Sri - U appreciate the way Obama handled the issue????

    And, he is Buried at Sea???

    c'mon..Give me a Break!!!

  13. Siva,
    Russia n India - MIGHTY????

    You joking???

    India is at least 10 years behind China in Everything

  14. Kg
    Obama's decision was more riskier to get into Pakistan military area.I appriciate it b 'use no civilians were killed. Burying at the sea was a tradition.

    btb India is catching up with China in many economic indicators this decade will be crucial!

  15. Burying at sea - a tradition??? and within 10 hours???

    who said??

  16. u know "sea of USD" china having??
    Milirary - last year parade of its military - did u see?
    China investment in Africa
    China building Railway system in partnership that will pass thru' many continents

  17. KG
    There are high risks with those investments in Africa, Tibetian rail project is a white elephant, $ is on a downswing mode so holding it can be more of a burden than an asset,inland China should catch up with the coastal areas!
    All said they have taken risks which no country could afford so it might give good returns or backfire!

  18. ...Sri,

    Africa is unexplored continent so far and is rich in natural resources including Oil n China is First to take lead in exploration and China has taken many projects in many countries at Strategic locations, to the extent of, surrounding India too..

    ......n whom do you think giving $ to US?

  19. Already many US n European corporations have their oil investments in Africa what China is doing infrastuctural agricultural investment which returns might take time.
    Since China always buys $, US printed lots of green bills such that depriciation of $ will have adverse effect on China rather than US

  20. .......That's why China gives loan to that.its dear citizens will have money to buy its Goods..

    it's like catching tiger tail - can't be left..

    Both US n China needs each other...

  21. China is not giving loans , it buys bonds US bonds!

  22. ...ya'..that's what i meant"....or "treasury Note" in Lawman's Engulish :)

  23. thats not loan its free money for US and risky for China if $ goes down!


  25. ...And, coincidentally, i read a report today that China's overseas investment exceeded 1000 Billion USD, accounts for 1/3 of the World's..

  26. yes if u can those treasury bonds as investments :)
