Sunday, May 1, 2011

~~China's progress~~

I was reading the Sunday column in New York Times by Nick Kristof where he talks about how China has progress. The below few lines from the column quotes how the country has progressed in last two decades.

 When I lived in China in the 1980s and ’90s, there was always an awkward economic imbalance between me and my Chinese friends. I had a car, and they had bicycles. I paid for our meals together because I was so much better off.
Now there’s a new imbalance: Some of those same people ride around in chauffeured limousines while I get around in taxis. They take me to fancy restaurants whose prices give me headaches.

China is one fine example what will happen to country's progress if economic reforms were properly implemented. One of my Chinese class mate used to joke its easy to run the country when everybody shuts up does their work. But this decade will be most challenging one for them as they have to fight both the increasing inflation and fixed exchange rate.

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