Sunday, March 13, 2011

~~Trip to Charlotte~~

  Since I was studying sincerely for my mid term exams I didn't plan much for the spring break. When it was just few days before the break I thought what am I going to do, since it was for 9 days being alone in the campus doesn't make sense.Then I found a bus which goes to charlotte from nyc for $30 since it was a good deal I decided to Charlotte.

The bus was from Chinatown and when I reached the place I got the feeling of being in a local bus stand with crowds waiting for the bus and few benches put in. Finally when the bus came we boarded our luggages and got it. We have to learn from Chinese how to run a transport service they run like a parcel service. They stopped the bus somewhere in the middle asked few passengers with different destination to get to different bus and few other people going to Charlotte got from other bus to our bus. And the full journey they rode the bus with full capacity.

Another advantage of going in the bus getting down wherever you want I got down at Concord near my uncle's house, the bus took the exit and dropped me near a mall. It was quite an experience.