Friday, March 11, 2011

~~Precaution saves lives~~

  It was fifth largest earthquake in the recorded world history which hit Japan today and infrastructural damages caused by it was going to millions. One thing we have to note is that it happened in Japan if at all the same magnitude hit any other developing countries the lives lost would have been in hundred thousands. My Japanese classmate told that "This is the biggest in 150 years and 5 times larger than the last disaster in 1995, in which more than 6000 dead "but this time due to improvement in technology and early warning system they have saved many lives.

They were above to evacuate more than hundred thousand from the coastal towns to safer place before the tsunami struck. Also many buildings were earthquake proof such that the impact was minimum. So they many things to learn from Japan and building an effective early warning system is one of them.


  1. i would still say that they weren't prepared adequately; they are expecting the toll to hit more than 1000; And the nuclear reactor error was a big blunder. Japan is way better in precaution when compared to other Asian countries, but I would say still they have to learn from US;

  2. இயற்கையின் சவாலில்
    அழிவுண்டால் விலங்கு

    இயற்கையின் சவாலை
    எதிர்கொண்டால் மனிதன்.
