Wednesday, February 2, 2011

~~New year Resolution~~

 This is long pending post but due to my busy schedule I never had the time post this. Before I went for Christmas vacation I attended a dinner party at Japanese restaurant. Once the dinner was over we exchanged gifts. I got a gift from one of my Japanese class mate. When I opened the gift there was in fact two gifts but not one. There were two colorful Japanese paper balls which can be blow like a balloon and can be rotated with a pen or a stick.

The other was the important one, he termed it as "your goal sheet" in which we need to write our or what we wanted to achieve or at least write a new year resolution. Then also told me in Japan they take this as a serious business such that they spend three days thinking about what they want and also they make sure than they shouldn't write something materialistic.He also suggested me I should take recess to natural area that is away from the city buzz then think there and write something useful.

I did as he suggested and finally wrote the above quote and struck it directly in the wall in front of the bed such that every morning when I get up it catches my eyes. I thought I should post this for New Year anyways today is Chinese New Year/Groundhog day, so I found an occasion to post it :)


  1. posted it for chinese new year...I agree
    too busy schedule to post earlier....engeyo othaikkuthu!! took me 5 mins to decifer what you had written...looked almost chinese :)
    btw...ur resolution seems toooo broad :)

  2. Shiela you took one subject and you were occupied for whole month! I m taking 8 subjects this so imagine how busy should I be :)

    btb thats my world famous handwriting :)

  3. Hey.. I thought u had written in Japanese as ur friend was Japanese... What is it?

  4. haha...i'm not the only one who can't read your writing :)

  5. haha since the pad is meant for Japanese we had to write vertical and it was with a paint brush like thingy ! with my spl handwriting it ended up like that :)

  6. What is the significance of the Paper ball?

  7. Its called Kusudama which can be used for christmas decoration :)
