Thursday, September 23, 2010

~~CWG and Controveries~~

One thing I really hate about Indian media is how it projects the country in the negative night , this is the cost we are paying for being democratic.I agree there were delays, there were dead line slippages but how media projects is that 'We Indians are not capable enough to conduct a big event'. All this before the start of the game. No one talks about the world class airport which was completed before schedule nor the metro which connects various parts of the city which has reduced the traffic a lot over the last few years. In my personal opinion I did see a lot of changes in the city when I visited in 2009 than what I saw in 2004.These are the improvements which will benefit the citizens in the long run and not just for 10 days of CWG.

I just want to compare the role of media in Beijing Olympics, foreign jounalist faced various types of restrictions at all the venues and if at all they tried to do a string operation they would have packed off back to the home countries.What would have happened if a reporter tried to report something which is against the spirit of the country, I don't he would have the guts to do that. I agree that Chinese did give world class performance in 2008 but we need to wait until India finish hers.


  1. Sri,

    It is not the question of "how good we will conduct" - it'll be memorable game, no doubt about it. Also, it is not the question of slippages. What is disheartening is Hooper calling the facilities "Filthy" and getting away with it and we responding "we will make it alight" instead of having guts to give it back to him in his own words. We have had structures crumbling and what not! If media is not following it up, it would have been much more worse. Agreed, world-class airport and metro but this different. It doesn't mean, you make 2 good and let us relax for 3rd one. China policy is different. Either you tip-toe or tow away. Now, we have given every tom, dick, harry and even Madaswamy to comment on us!

  2. Looks like its getting better;

  3. That's right Sri. I totally agree with you.
    Media still talking about "does India need a CWG while millions are starving?" , "this money could have been put to develop India" etc, they are not understanding that the whole thing will benifit India in the long run, and it's not just for these 10 days.
