Friday, September 24, 2010


I have to start once again ,there are few basic things people in US didn't inform me earlier and I had to be learn only after experience. Since I didnt have anytime to get gift for Ganesh only thing I could manage was to make his purse lighter by $100. A small flashback when I reached US ,Diana got an addon connection for me ,using her corporate scheme,from then on what so ever I talk using the mobile Ganesh paid the bill.

When Ganesh got the bill this month he found that the bill was charged $100 dollars extra and saw there were the special services subscribed from my number. They were
2)Aladin Horescope subscription
3)Speedy Trivia Mobile Quiz Club
4)Mind Quiz Mobile quiz club.

When Ganesh asked me what were these I told I never knew I had subscribed for these.Then I began to think what silly thing I did which would have led to this subscription.Few months back there was a online survey which asked few questions and then mobile number.Then it gave me the link to take on an IQ quiz,survey would have found my interest.So I clicked on the link,it said there will be key sent your mobile number note it and enter it in tab and then take the quiz,I got the message entered the number in the website and went ahead to take the quiz and finished it successfully. This is the small stuff I did which caused the dent in Ganesh purse. So what had happened is the number when I got to take the quiz is the number which is required to activate the message service or rather charge the mobile company for the services and the sad part was I never got any messages for the month.

Finally Ganesh called the operators and unsubscribed from the messaging services


  1. 1. how do u have so much time to take all these senseless surveys?
    2. Do u expect people to tell this...don't do that..all the time and for everything?
    If u are feeling lonely and bored to be talking to all the telemarketers and taking all surveys, I suggest you go spend some time in central part...atleast kiliyaavathi maatum :)

  2. simple advise would have been dont give number in website :)
    btb it happened long back now I never find time for those!!

  3. ok Sri...."don't give number in website" :)

  4. hmmmm....too late 4 giving advice...or...too late 4 saying "sorry 4 yelling @ u" btw...y ur comment showing 3 times?

  5. ithula enna advise kudukanum unakku? its just common sense..

  6. @Sheila
    I meant too late for the advise :)
    I deleted the other two repetition comments!

    it may be common sense in US , I never had any issues giving my mobile no. out in India,in fact having a fancy mobile number there I used every chance to give it out!

  7. i liked ur mobile number in india...very catchy:) U.S. u can give mobile number only to potential g/fs :)
