Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~~New Theme for blog~~

Have applied a new theme to my blog, how is it ?

Can you guess the picture in the backdrop ?


  1. Yupp you are right NYC's Grand Central Station!!!

  2. Its am impressive template.. the first thing a person will notice in this blog will be its brackground, overlays etc not the info/ headings/ content! Added, the semitransparant background disturbs a lot while reading and makes it very difficult(no offence).

    I had a similar thing to my blog.. but then figured this out and got a new one. :)

  3. Thanks Sripriya :)

    Ravi thanks for your opinion,yea backdrop makes reading difficult just added to notify my entry into newyork city :)

  4. looks jazzy but doesn't give temptation to go through the writing. i prefer the old one but then it's just me :)

  5. @KG
    right reading is difficult than the plain older one but let this be here for a week or so :)

  6. backdrop is distracting...but a nice backdrop :) I prefer your previous one...but....change is always good :)))
