Tuesday, July 20, 2010

~~My task for day~~

Was given a small assignment to write about my country's economy and its future.
So now you are reading my homework(all fate) ;)

In the year 1991 India was on the verge of an economic collapse, when reforms were introduced and the country opened up its economy for foreign investments. From then on there is no looking back as the country has reinvented itself and today its one of the world large, dynamic and steadily growing economy characterized by huge work force operating in many new sectors.

The biggest boon for the country is the large pool of low cost but highly skilled educated and fluent English speaking people who have contributed to the growth in the service sector. Outsourcing to India has become one of the easiest and efficient ways to do business across the world making Her one of the best destination for information technology as well as business process outsourcing. There are three Indian companies in the top 10 Technological companies of the world. Apart from that all the top technological companies have their business running from India

Indian government on its part works proactively in bringing foreign investment to the country, they have introduced many industry friendly policy changes attracting companies across the world to set their shop in the country. There are more than 1000 Special Economic Zones in the Country which are fully operational providing plenty of job opportunities to the people and companies get 10 year tax holiday such that they get a good time to settle down and have a sustainable growth. Due to these friendly policy India has attracted more than 35 billion $ as foreign investments making her the fourth largest in the world. Another major factor to be noted is the growth in many sectors of the country are driven by domestic consumption which is different from many other countries which follow an export oriented model

On the hindsight the country needs to improve its crumbling infrastructure which might be a major hindrance to its growth. Its good to see that the government is taking right policy measures to address this problem. It is predicted that more than 15 billion $ will be poured to develop the infrastructure of the country. Disaster management is another area where country needs to focus. Cities should be capable enough handling heavy rain or storms which shouldn’t bring the work life in the city to stand still.

Thus things go as planned India will become a developed country by 2020 and become a major player in the global economy.

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