Sunday, April 18, 2010

~~Small things which I forget~~

I used to swear that next time I shouldn't miss on those silly things but as usual I end up facing similar situation again. Here are the few things I keep in mind not to do again.

1)In the bank:
Thanks to online banking and ATM's the need to go to bank are quite rare. But whenever I go there I used forget to take a pen. Eventually I end up begging people around to give a pen.

2)In the bus:
Like going to banks travelling in local buses are also a rarity these days. I used to look search for change in my wallet which would be full of coins on normal days but on the day I travel it will be empty and usually I used to face the wrath of the conductor.

3)In the train:
Normally I used to think I should carry a bottle of water when I travel in the train but as the luck goes by I used to get a bottle of water only after I get in the compartment.

4)In the car:
I usually take the car for a long drive when I am at home.Only when I m in road I will remember that I forgot to take good music CD's along which we could have listened through the journey.

(Last but not the least)
5)Grandma's food:
Everytime when I sit for dinner I used to think I should eat less but always end up eating more.

1 comment:

  1. Are they giving pen STILL by removing its cap and keeping it with them - just to make sure you return the pen back!

    out of all these small thingx, only one matched me and that is, PEN ;)
