Friday, April 16, 2010

~~Bad reading week~~

Many times only after I read some 50 pages of the book I will come to know whether its worth reading further. This week turned otherwise,I had borrowed two books from British council and flipped one from a sale on the road, to my bad luck all three didn't meet my expectations. One of was the politics of United Kingdom which I couldn't correlate,another was about the life of person in Sau Paulo which was dragging meaningless and another one was about afterlife which was killing my present moment of life.

Reading a bad book has its own side effects. If the book is not good then only I realise that I am in the middle if big traffic jam.I get frustrated and finally show it by writing a blog about Chennai's traffic, which will never get any better. So I m planning to get something better to read this weekend.

Any suggestions?

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