Saturday, March 20, 2010

~~Things happen on road~~

Whenever I travel out and come back home safely there will be sense of relief that nothing bad happened on that day. Accidents can happen in any weird ways as possible ,most of the time it will be the fault of the driver's ,sometimes it can be the road condition or there are times when nothing is in our hands kind of situation.

Today evening I went to British Council,exchanged by book for two new books and a travel magazine. Went to Triplicane had dinner at the new Adyar Ananda Bhavan restaurant opened at that place. I started from there after nine ,since the traffic was less I was zooming all the way.Near the Egmore subway the bike in front of me got skidded out of the blue. I stopped my vehicle and went ahead lifted the man and his bike, he was also confused and trying to find the reason that his bike acted weirdly. Then we checked the road there was big patch of oil in the middle. Given the color of the oil and the color of the road and darkness of the night it would take genius to find the patch of the oil. By this time some crowd had gathered and some person took some sand from the side path and poured it over oil patch. Finding things were pretty much under the control I left the place.

Coming to think of it however safe we drive there is something which we dont have control over it and only our good Karma can save us!

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