Sunday, March 21, 2010

~~My friend's trip~~

My friend Ashwin is passionate about Japan and its lifestyle. He was planning for a trip to Japan for quite sometime and finally made it this month beginning. One of his ambition is to get a Japanese girl friend and he is working hard on learning Japanese.

He has made a video on the trip he made.

When I asked why he choose that song as the BGM he said he missed a Japanese girl during the entire trip. Also linked are few pictures he taken during the trip.


  1. he able to see Cherry Blossom?

  2. Hello KG,
    Yes, I did see Sakura (the Cherry blossom), but only few. In the month of April, most of Japan will be full of Sakura.
    It should be an awesome sight. :)


  3. ah..ok....when i plan to go to Japan i'll contact you. It's one of the short-listed place to visit in very near future :)

  4. Sure Sure, anything related to Japan, feel free to contact me :)
