Monday, February 15, 2010

~~Wii and my nephew~~

End of last year myself and my nephew had a deal, if he gets good marks in his upcoming exams I will give Wii for a week. Given this inspiration he put all the extra efforts he could gather, burnt the candle and came up with a good performance. So as promised I gave Wii for christmas holidays.That fellow played like mad in the following week until his hands got sore. With all his determination he finished all the levels he could in that CD and he asked for more sounding like a drug addict.

Before my sister starts complaining about it, I thought I will change his interest to some other games but he gave me two options either its Wii or computer games. Then I started narrating about a great computer game and only genius could play it.He became excited and wanted to play that. I opened the computer Start-->Programs-->Accessories-->Minesweeper. I taught the basic funda on how to play it and told him that a surprise prize awaits for him if he completes expert level. I wonder he has the patience to finish it but if so it will be a good logical exercise for him!

1 comment:

  1. used to play that way back..while working in madras and also four of us at different tables, connected rummy round ;)
