Sunday, February 14, 2010

~~Valentines day~~

One more Valentines day came and went as usual making no impact in my life !

Liked one quote which I got as an SMS

"When I look at you, I cannot deny there is God, because only God could have created some one as wonderful and beautiful as you"


  1. When i read this out to Swati, she commented, "No chance, tell Sriram that it has come to him by Mistake'..hehe ;)

  2. Dei,
    This Valentines day, I was travelling back from Kodai to Trichy by Govt bus.(changed 3 busses - the quality of the bus became only worse) The bus was jam packed, and full Standing le.

    I came home, had a shower and hit the bed. This morning realized yesterday was Valentines Day. No sms, no call, nothing.

    So yours was better than mine :P

  3. @KG
    Tell Swathi I was thinking all the day that she sent that to me ;)

  4. @Ashwin
    Dei you have that valentine day's poem that you wrote in 2007 and got a prize too!
