Thursday, February 11, 2010

~~Google's new Buzz~~

One good thing about google it never stops to surprise us with new products or sites now and then. The latest on the list is the BUZZ. The clever thing about its marketing strategy is just to keep the buzz link right below the inbox link with an attractive color to it. 9 out of 10 people will click on the link and check what is it. A simple and straight forward method to make people visit that site.

There are many similarities to twitter, but it doesn't involves the initial work we need to do in twitter to get some followers as it automatically assigns our close friends whom we mail often as followers. On the hind side it was discussed that other people might come to know with whom we were close such that they become our followers.It doesn't restrict the user characters to 140 and allows them to add pictures and meaningful links.

Only time can say whether it can match twitter's popularity given many celebrities got used to tweets and have a separate fan club. But Google has the potential to bring those celebrities on buzz!

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