Friday, February 12, 2010

Book I read..

Last week I read Dork: The Incredible Adventures Of Robin 'Einstein' Varghese
Written By Sidin Vadukut.

This book was suggested by my colleague who read Sidin's blog regularly,
and he asked me to order a copy even before it gets released. Since the
deal in flipkart was good I placed the order right away.

The book is about the man working in a consulting firm in India after
passing through shining finest MBA school. It talks about the life style
of the people in the firm, their work culture and how the ideas
implemented can go horribly wrong. It remained me of Hangover
movie where the people think backwards on what had happened.
Same is written in a funny way when Robin wakes up after a hangover
to discover the horrible thing he has done,like waking in the plane,
seeing a duck in his bathtub or the ultimate one getting up and
seeing 250 odd messages in his voicemail.
A good time pass for the week!

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