Thursday, January 14, 2010

~~Trip to Mystique Land-Day 2~~

Before we went to bed on previous night, the room boy asked us what time should he wake us up for morning tea,KG said 5:30 so that we could see sun rise.I really don't know whether the room boy knocked the door at 5:30 since we got up only around 6:30, I went out looked for sun still could not see the sign of it.When our bed tea arrived we out to look for the sun rise only thing we could find was mountains all around.Then we could see sunlight still no sun ,only then we realised we are looking at west and the sun had already risen in the opposite direction.

That day we had to start our adventurous journey to North Sikkim around 10 am. Morning we went to MG mart had hot puris at a Marwari restaurant.We talked with our travel agent, he said there was a landslide on the way to N.Sikkim and our journey might be delayed by an hour or so. Since we need to kill the time we asked hotel aunt for a nearby tourist spot.She suggested to goto flower which was a km away.But 1km in mountainous region is not a easy walk,it can be horizontal or vertical and we ended by climbing up for most of the journey.Phew!

The much hyped flower show was a small place nothing compared to the flower shows I have seen in Ooty or Bangalore. But the place was well maintained such that proper heat is maintained for the flowers to sustain.From there we went to Sikkim tourist postoffice,it was my suggestion that we can send picture postcards from this place for new year to our nears and dears.But to our disappointment that post office was like our normal post offices only selling inland letters and stamps.

Since the Mahindra Max which was supposed to take(it was the only vehicle which could such rough mountainous terrain) got struck due to landslides, a maruthi omni came to pick us up.It was a rocky one hour journey before we could get to our vehicle.Around 12 clock we started loaded our luggage to our own Mahindra Max which was looking like a giant compared to Omni. Thus began our journey our journey to highest points.We had lunch on the way proceeded further up.

After an hour ride we stopped at the check post,our driver went out taking our permits.He came back and informed me that the police woman needs to talk with me.Surprised I got out and went to have a conversation with her.Looking at my innocent face she asked me "Can I do a favour for her?".I said sure!She asked Could you take a girl in your jeep and drop her home (at a place some 30km up from there). I said not a problem.Just telling this incident to let you people know, how decent we were that even the police trusted us to such an extent to send a girl alone with us in our jeep.We talked with girl, came to know her dad has passed away and it has taken her more than 14 hours to reach that place from downhill and another two hour journey in our jeep to reach her home.Felt sorry for her.

After droping the girl we had a coffee break at Chumgthang, a small town. From there Lachen was around 30km which took us more than two hours to reach.When we reached Lachen we felt how cold climate can get,should have been under 5C.We stayed in lodge managed by a small family.They were a sweet lot and we managed to make a decent conversation with them.They were stilling cooking with woods which was making the room warm and economical compared to gas.The rotis prepared by them were delicious and when the lady offered to make us rice the next day, we insisted on making the same rotis.

The driver then gave us a shock that we had to get up at 4:30am the next day to start our journey to Gurudongmar lake in that ruthless weather ! Did we make it ?


  1. Sri...even against all odds of my laziness...started to write about our sikkim trip. Will be up and about in my blog very shortly ;)

  2. Sri - coming to think of it, it's funny about two blogs running-up on same time on same tour,

  3. hahaha coool :)
    now there will be three versions
    your version
    my version
    and the truth :))))

  4. how about Esha's version? :)

  5. hehehe 1st lets finish our version then we can help her to write her's

  6. Sriram and Kumar.....great reading both you posts.....btw, who is Esha??????

  7. Esha - "Mystique woman in the Mystique land"
