Wednesday, January 13, 2010

~~Surprise visit home~~

No no I will never take the risk of going to Trichy before informing my mum, in school days if at all I come early,mostly I would end up seeing big lock in the front door and I would be sitting in the ramp counting the mangoes in our mango tree.(if its not season then its amla or coconut tree).Once we had a hartal when I was working in Cochin, since all my room mates left for home town I also packed my bags to Trichy,once I reached Trichy bus stand,paktshi told me to call home,heard they were packing their bags,pleaded to wait for me and joined their trip.

Now the surprise visit home I m talking about was done by my friend Dilip,he travelled all the way from Pullman,Washington to Trichy . Hes been in US for almost two years and this is his first return trip that too surprising his parents.He kept his travel plans known only to selected people.He landed at Chennai and caught a train to reach Trichy.He had told me in advance to come to Trichy junction to receive him and from there we planned to drive to his home.

All signs of returned from US were seen on him. Once seated in the car, he took a rope like thing and tied himself.
ME: Dei what are you trying to do ?
D(proudly): I m wearing seat belt
Me: Dei I m not driving a roller coaster here!
Once on the road he started shouting like a hyteria patient, pointing at a old man at corner of the road "with what gutts he is standing in the middle of the road(!)",pointing to an auto "dei thats turning without the indicator","Dei why are you changing the lanes simply". Finally I said to close his eyes and come quitely.

It was around 3pm we reached his house.We tried knocking the door, seems his mother was in a deep sleep.We went backside knocked the windows ,after few minutes when she opened the door, I came front and greeted her first , said you have a surprise and from the back he came running to hug his mum.Wonderful moment it was! She cant beleive her for few minutes asking herself whether she s dreaming or in reality. Then he called his dad from home who immdiately put his things at work came home. It was a worth keeping up the surprise part!

1 comment:

  1. Sri...not only you....even i had to face the locked door and guess what, Mala was inside. Have you heard anything like this before. People locking themselves inside :)

