Saturday, December 5, 2009

~Building experiments~

Last weekend Keerthi called me

Keerthi: lets build a famous building model.
Me: Hey i m workin this weekend .Anyways what building is it?
Keerthi:Berkeley art museum.
Me:WHAT ? how come you choosed that .
Keerti: I first choose empire state building then sears towers all got rejected finally I ended up with this.(!!!)

Sunday night I went to her house ,I had the look at the picture of Berkeley art muesum in net and told her I am not an architect to build a model of it.And even said why cant she choose something simple like LIC building such that we can build it using a cardboard box. She said her building should be complex enough such that her workmanship should be noted by everybody(hey I havent done even a single assignment like that when I was in college).Then she was showing all other kind of building from net to choose from, all complex models were rejected by me and all simple models were rejected by her. No conclusion was reached and I slept.

Monday she asked her teacher for suggestion and came up with a more complex structure to develop.That evening over google chat we were exchanging links of few buildings and she suggested one which kind of workable.

Tuesday we decided to build the model, we got thermocols from the near shop one got broken into pieces while taking it back home.After taking few measurements we cut the thermocols into pieces and then struck them with fevicol. After 3 hours work we got the structure somewhat ready when an accidental swipe from my hand hit the structure... alas the whole structure collapsed in front of our eyes.Then only it struck our dead brains we need to have a foundation for any build to stand strong.
It took another 3 hours to complete the structure.Whew I cant remember any day I worked like this when I was in college.

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