Sunday, December 6, 2009

~~Back to back visit to Marina~~

Marina beach got reinvented itself,with bright spot lights around,well maintained lawns friendly footpaths on two sides,ample parking space,added to that cleanliness had got its long deserved respect(at least by Chennai standards). When I saw KG's blog last month I never guessed it could be Marina but miracles do happen and this one of the kind.

I was planning to visit Marina,Sunday afternoon KG called and said lets goto beach, from office I directly drove to Triplicane.After having snacks @ his place KG,Suba,Thiyana ,Ganesh and myself left to Marina.We walked in the newly build footpath almost till the lighthouse then walked into the sand.We sat near a chilli bhajji shop and treated ourselves with hot bhajji's in the cool breeze.Since all the four belong to the lucky group who reads my blogs(ok KG's blog also) felt easy for me/them to link up funny conversations.

After coming back I realised that I havent gone inside the water at the beach, maybe the gang with which I went was too old for doing these kinds of experiment :)
.Going to beach not having a go at the waves was like going the hotel and coming back without eating anything or going to a Saloon and read the newspaper and come back.So my visit to Marina was incomplete.

Monday when I was bragging about the beauty of Marina beach my cousin said he needs to see the beach. So I took to beach ,made him walk till he could nt take more,took him to the water then,I was relishing the feel of gentle waves on the legs until my cousin interrupted saying he is hungry.Then went to the usual place this time I tried Bhel puri which they served with a ice cream spoon with great difficulty I tried to finish that.

While we eating those stuff one horse neighed while crossing us which was enough for my cousin to ask me for a horse ride.Fine when we went and enquired the ride was 50bucks for a round.And the horse keeper insisted that I should also take a round since there was another horse nearby.I looked around to check whether any PETA people
are waiting there to catch me when got on to the horse. Then I got few instructions on how to turn the horse, how to stop and start it.Off it went ,since the beach was littered with people here and there it was funny experience to maneuver the horse ,when I tried to turn it would stop ,when I tried to keep it walk again it went to make some circles(hey I m not paying for doing merry go round).Then the keeper pushed it to a straight.Once the round was about to get over they offer me a fast run on the horse for which I said next time.

All in all two days at Marina are still not enough ,there are lots more to experience there!!


  1. Hmmmm... I know now what is the culprit for G's stomach upset!!!

  2. Hehe u can try next time when you come here.It will be my treat :)
