Friday, November 6, 2009

~~Power of social network~~

Video added in youtube... seems so true !!

When I saw that video I began to think how powerful internet has become.Nowdays getting a new mobile or camera most of the people read reviews, user experiences from the internet before buying the product rather than grabbing the product after seeing the new ad launched by the company.

Apart from that because of net keeping in touch with friends and relatives has become so easy. Last week one of my college classmate sent a mail to entire class group addressing each and everyone of our classmates.Eventhough its been 4 years we have done with our college after reading that mail I felt I was never out of touch with my college mates.

Now what we are experiencing is Web2.0 the world of social networking,wikis,blogs etc and going forward in Web 3.0 internet is going to transformed into interactive net.Lets how is it going to impact our way of living.

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