Sunday, November 8, 2009

~~Locked in home for weekend~~

After a long time I m spending a weekend in home,thanks to Chennai rain. Engaging myself with something to kill time should have been a difficult task hadn't it not for my laptop/net connection. When I come to think of it at the end of the day it had been my sole companion for the weekend.

Things I did(useless things also)
Reading news:
Started reading news from all the sites from bbc,ccn,smh,rediff etc until the sites couldn't catch their news updating speed with my news reading speed .

Playing farmville:
My game crazy friend Damu forced me to start playing farmville two months ago just because he need a neighbour to goto next level.Once I became his neighbour I never cared to look after my farm, which right now had become a like poramboku land.So this weekend I spent few hours to give life back to my farm.

Chating with friends:
Its been a long time I used ping people and disturb them, these two days who and all came online where caught by me. Since technology has improved a lot and most of people prefer to be in invisible mode, this mission ended in failure as I could only catch a handful of people.

Again watching movie require patience or the movie should be interesting to capture my attention else...
Taking of Pehlam 1 2 3- Denzel Washington ,Nicholas cage action movie...didnt have patience to watch fully,fast forwarded the parts and finshed it in an hour.
Marie Antoinette- Story of the wife of Loius 16 infamous French emperor during the French revolution another boring one finished it in 30 minutes.
500 days of summer-A romantic film ,the difference here is a random day in between 500 is chosen and what happened that day is shown such that keeping viewers interested. Seems little different.

E books:
I have few E-books in laptop but never had the time to read this and I never thought I will have time to read in future.But this weekend I read a book about digital photography good thing about that e book- it was filled with lot of beautiful pictures of nature,wild life and obviously models.

Cricket match:
I thought let me take a break from my laptop and watch India Aus match this morning but after seeing our player playing like jokers and with the score reaching 27/5 in 8 overs there was no point to continue watching it.(added Sachin's video to previous post)

Updating my resume:
Hmmmm I just thought of updating it but why should I spoil the weekend ;) so its just at the thought level but hoping to finish it soon.

Even though rain locked me inside the house, internet gave me the passage to connect to the outside world!

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