Sunday, November 22, 2009

~~Online bookshop~~

  I never had a liking to buy books online for I believe books should be felt first then should be decided to  buy or not. Having said that I used to pick up books not even seeing the title but just looking at the author's name.

For the later kind of books why should I goto the shop to buy that rather buy it online.Last week my colleague introduced to me to this site flipkart an online book store.

It was more like amazon with  some added advantage
1)we can transact in Indian currency
2)For all books you purchase more than 100rs shipping charges are free.
3)Almost all book have some discount ranging from 5 to 30%
4)You can get imported books
5)Will get book from 3 to 7 working days.
6)You can add your favourite books to wishlist and purchase it later.

Got my first book using that site 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell. Actual book price was 399rs I got it for 311rs. I  booked it on Thursday and got it by Saturday pretty fast by Indian standards!

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