Saturday, November 21, 2009

~~Movie I saw~~

Once when our friends gang was discussing about movies One person started the topic have anybody seen 'Life is beatiful'.He never told further more but rather watch it. I knew this one was a Oscar winning movie but never had the time to watch it. Last week yet another friend recommended to watch the same.

Finally yesterday evening I watched this movie with my cousin.In the end I spent most of the time explaining events in history during world war 2.Like why the jews are chased out of Germany , What is a concentration camp etc. I asked him didnt he study those stuffs in school, for that he gave a cool reply those stuffs he left stuffs in choice.

Anyways coming back to the movie it really made an impact.Life may not be as you planned but happiness is definitely in your hands. Roberto Benigni and kid have really acted well.Its show how a good parenting makes a lot of difference to the child.Even a pity and miserable condition where you put up when dealt with a different perspective can make a child that he is living in heaven.

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