Wednesday, October 28, 2009

~~What two hour rain can do in Chennai?~~

Today morning when I left home weather was pleasant and there were signs that it had rained previous night. Sure its relief from the prolonged summer! The rain continued for sometime in the morning and around an hour in evening.Cant say it poured but decent enough to call it a rain.

I used to wonder why rain God doesn't shower Her blessings in this city,I got the answer the very evening when I found all the roads in the city were flooded with rain water.In fact rain God is showing mercy by limiting Her blessing and not pouring it.

It took miserably long time to reach home, One should see the bus drivers who were driving the bus like they were driving hovercraft.Pity the people who come by two wheelers if they get drenched by rain on one hand ,they would get splashed around by the dirty when buses and cars zoom past them.

With enough of job opportunities in the industries,city has found solution to brain drain but rain drain is not happening still.We need to find ways to drain rain water not to the sea but back to the ground.

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