Thursday, October 29, 2009

~~Eating out with mum~~

Since mum was in the city I told her early in the evening we will eat outside.But with mum whatever plans I make when I come home the situation will make me wonder whether I have miscommunicated anything. So when I reached around 8 from office she was there lying in bed busy chating with my grandma. I remembered her around few times that it will be late for dinner ,I m hungry but it had little effect.Then used my final weapon please go and cook .Within 5 mintues she was ready.

Only we were out of home we decided to go to Bombay Halwa some 200 m from our place. But my mum insisted on catching an auto and the good reason she gave its not her but for grandma. Okay Madam your wish my command! took an auto to reach the place. Then dinner was routine affair. Came back home the same way we reached there.

Whose knows doing these kinds of services to mum will get me a place heaven!


  1. Hmmm, is this little too much!!!! Thay you want a place in Heaven for taking mom to Dinner!!! :)
    BTW I like the labels.

  2. Hehe...wait wait I have just started... I m going continue my efforts(will blog too) in trying to find place in Mum's heart and there by reaching heaven:))
