Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~~Vodofone's new offer~~

My mobile service provider Vodofone came out with a new offer- we can call anywhere within South India @ 50p/min which includes all mobiles and STD calls to other three neighbouring states provided if we pay little surcharge for it. And for selected few customers(like me who always keep Vodofone happy by paying monthly bill of more than 1k/month) they gave the inaugural offer free.This was told by the lady who called(pleaded) me to take up this offer. Since I have few friends in Cochin and Bangalore I thought this might reduce my cell phone bill by certain amount. By this month end only I would be able to say who is smart Vodofone or me depending upon the bill amount.

Funny thing to note here is after activating this offer calls within Tamil Nadu has become costlier than the calls outside the state.

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