Tuesday, September 15, 2009

~~Taking a session~~

Last week our project's our learning coordinator requested me to take a session, she was forced to this abysmal position because she couldn't find any other people willing to take up sessions. Also if finding a tutor is a problem getting people to attend is another enormous task.Once I said yes we decided on the topic ,I said I m not interested to take up technical sessions which I know will make people sleep just 5 mins into the session. In the end it was decided topic will be 'personal empowerment'.

Since I had lots of ppt's and documents in store,preparing the slide was not much deal. Given the session timing was between 2 30 to 3 30 I thought my 1st intention was not to let people sleep. By 2 30 I was ready with my slide waiting for people to turn up with only friend was giving me company. Realising this wont help I called my team member and other friends to come and listen to my session. One asked whether coffee/snacks will be provided, other asked for chicken biriyani after the session.

I could count on my team as almost all of them including my PL turned up ,apart from that 2 friends from other team and our learning coordinator took two of her juniors to the session. So it was all set, around 20 members waiting for me to start.
As far as the session it was about building a positive attitude and steps to achieve it. I tried to take it funny and interactive but most of the examples which I thought I should tell never to came to my mind at that moment. In the end I could only give myself as the best example having a positive mindset. By forgetting half the stuffs I should have said, the 1 hour session got over within 40 mins. People who attended it were very happy that I finished pretty quick.

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