Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Funny(fire) Drill!

Once in three months or so in our office a particular sunny day will be chosen and past noon when the weather is particularly, hot fire alarms will start ringing. Most of us will have a look oh no... not again, what makes worse is that we will be settling down after a good lunch and we will be made to evacuate the building using the stairs coming all the way down then stand in the hot sun. Then out of no where some water will be sprayed to third or fourth floor meaning to put off the fire but it literally cleans the building walls.Then we will told the drill is over and can go back to work peacefully(!).
On the way back home I was talking with my colleague who happens to be in HR department.What she said made me jealous of the people working in that department, those people used to get mails mentioning such and such time the drill is going to happen asking for their cooperation and these people plan their breaks accordingly either spending time in the canteen or be out of the building in that particular time escaping from this monotonous exercise.

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