Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cherishable day in my life !

Two days back one of my friend sent an email which started like this

Folks, it's been 5 years since we rec'd our offer letters...

Its surprising to know how soon the time moves on, I started thinking about the day when I got my first job offer letter. July 9th 2004 was one of the most memorable days of my life. I still relish every moment of it. After clearing the written exam on the previous day I had to get ready for the interview in the morning,one of friend came down from Chennai was trying to help me out, lost his patience by trying to make me look presentable from properly knotting my tie to polishing my shoes. When he was done I was allowed to go to college after last minute wishes from nears and dears.

There is always a disadvantage for me when people call out the names in alphabetical order, I was there in hall by 10 waiting for my call seeing people coming and going ,waiting for my name to be called.It started becoming boring and to make the matter worst at around one o clock when I was left with another guy waiting for the call our placement officer told panel is going for lunch and he strictly us told we were not allowed to go out and wait for their anytime. Lunch was served at around 50 feet from us and no need to mention how special it would be when corporates visit the campuses. After having some seven or eighth servings the lunch time was finally over around 2 30.

Finally I was called in, by the look of my face the first question posed to me Did you have lunch? I gave my usual blush saying it can wait for sometime.Afraid I might be starved to death they asked few simple questions,write few programs. It went for ten minutes once they are done they asked to wait outside. Then I was informed to get ready for the HR round,which happened after next two hours.

It was around 7 o clock around 60 people were called to our conference room where they were supposed to announce the final list of people.I looked around saw 3 of close friends with whom I studied where also present and we sat together. When the person started reading out the names,mind it those were the most tensed moments of the day. Luckily for me my name was 3rd on the list(Thank God they didn't follow alphabetical order here),one by one all my three friends made it. After few final formalities we were allowed to leave.

When we came out the nature could not withstand the surprise started raining. There were lots of hugging and shootings and we started dancing in the rain. The spirts were so high that the people who just a minute ago were looking like professionals were like a uncontrollable bunch of hooligans.

Journey back home was another big story which needs a separate blog.

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