Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eclipse time again!

Today morning I was eagerly waiting to see the sun getting overshadowed by the moon but unfortunately weather was cloudy that i could neither see the sun nor the moon's shadow over it.

I started to office as usual but my bus didnt arrive on time , realised the driver bunked for the day because of the eclipse.When I reached the office it was nearly empty most of the people were missing. Seems they were caught in the traditional belief to come out of the house only after the eclipse got over. Surprising to know even in 21st century people still have this belief or they might taken this as a chance to come late to office.Who knows there is no way to prove these stuffs.

I remembered my good old days when my dad took me out on an eclipse day ,he took a mirror covered it with a white paper and made a small pointed hole in it.Then he slided the mirror pointing to sun in such a way that the reflection fall on the wall.I was thrilled to see the sun Shadow looking like moon's.I kept on staring at the wall until the whole eclipse got over.

Nature shows it beauty in different ways and eclipse is one of them!

1 comment:

  1. Wrongs beliefs....I think even educated people are propagating these wrong beliefs for their own sake....see any news channel, they are just misguiding the public...shame on these hypocrites...
