Thursday, July 23, 2009

Book I read..

Last week I went to landmark my usual hangout spot whenever I get bored, this time I was looking for books which were written with some amount of humour at the same time gives some useful info. I got four books titles given below.
a)Welcome to advertising now get lost
b)Project management-A comedy of errors (planning to give to my PL ;))
d)The Mahatma and the Monkeys

Over this week I completed reading the book about advertising ,it was written by a young chap named Omkar Sane. What I liked was his style of writing Sarcastic and cruel to the core such that he ensures that he never gets ajob in Ad world again.

Book takes us through a normal process which happens in the ad world but how things get messed up in each and every stage and also how the designated people prove their authority over each other. There are places where you feel pity for the people working in the ad world. Its pretty difficult task to write a book with filled with humour from beginning to end,mocking each and every process,clients,managers,artist etc,I never felt bored at any stage.It really needs some guts to write a book like this .

I recommend this to people who really want to have some good laugh.

PS: Krishna if you by any chance read this Blogpost do get this book!!!

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