Monday, February 9, 2009

War- we got used to it ?

When one person dies its tragedy but when 1000 people die its just for statistic.
The above quote was said by Russian dictator Stalin is what happening in our neighbouring country. Now days we got used to hear some 50 people got killed everyday.We have become a mute spectator or rather heartless souls.

When ever there is a war in a country for one year,the country goes backward by 5 years. Imagine the condition of the people in the countries which are in war throughout the century.Even getting proper food and water will be a herculean task for these people.So what a country achieves by winning a war means nothing to these people.

One of the main reason behind war is the money involved in purchasing weapons.All big nations in the world earn sufficient money by selling sophisticated weapons.
So war is needed somewhere at some part of the world for these countries to survive.
I read an article recently if the defence budget of all the countries of the world for a single year we can eradicate poverty from the world the same year!!!
Will it happen ;not even in dreams!

We are in a helpless situation ,we can only hope without hope that peace may return to our neighbouring country!

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