Friday, January 16, 2009

Back to Chennai

Last week I came back to Chennai,the place where I first experienced the life of a software engineer way back in 2004.From here life has taken me to many places Trivandrum(8months),Cochin(6months),Bangalore,(6months) and finally again in cochin for an year and quater.

But the start to Chennai life was little unexpected as the climate,location changes didnt suit me and I was down with viral fever for 3 days.Reason I told my friend was in cochin I breathed oxygen and here my poor lungs has to cope up with smoke and dust :)

The first place I visited in Chennai was 35th Chennai book fair,went there on maatu pongal day,good to see a huge crowd but my lungs cried again due to suffocation andI had to abandon the visit in an hour and quickly turn back home.I would have hardly visited ten to twent stalls out of the six hundred.

Hope I would soon get used to this crowd and traffic jam!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Chennai, hope things turn out to be in your favour :)
