Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunday Evening

Last weekend I was in Chennai ,Sunday I planned to meet up my cousins. We decided to meet up in Spencers (default place come to our mind in Chennai). Trouble of managing two girls is something which I havent experienced ,when we entered spencers they asked me the shop which we need to go in ,I said Landmark without thinking twice.They looked at me as though I have uttered something inauspicious.Then U left the choice to them.Where else people take you when we offer to treat them ,a costliest restaurant giving some peanuts and charge you in gold coins. When we entered the transit being a Sunday it was damm crowded and getting a seat was like getting a prize in lottery.I looked at the two people they were deeply engrossed in some conversation. Afterall poor me is always there to get a place for them, as said so I got a table for three in corner and we managed to get settled there.
My trouble didnt end here these people wanted a special receipe which wont be delivered to our table but we have to collect it from the outlet.As usual I took the responsibility of getting the stuffs for them.After standing in the queue for more than 10 minutes I returned back with delicacies only to find myself shocked. Those two people were still chating ALAS I asked them where is my chair they forgot that another person came with them was supposed to be seated in the chair next them.Now after finding a table my task was reduced to find a chair which was little easy but felt awkard to carry the chair to our table which was some 20 feets away.
While we are eating one girl gets a call from her mum that her insurance agent is waiting for her and her presence is immediately required at their house. So we left the place in hurry and we reached the outside gate. As I had only one bike I was in position to give lift to only one of them,the other one asked me to drop till the bus stop which was directly opposite of the road, I mentioned the difficulties of travelling 2 km take a U ,then reach the same place to drop her. Then it was decided to walk till the bus stop to give her a send off.When we reached the bus stop we realised that the required bus wont stop there and we had to walk 200m to reach a signal where we managed to find a bus stoping at signal after 15mins.
Then the trouble started the girl with me said she cant walk back since she has walked 200m and her legs are paining. What else we caught an auto to travel that 200m and then reached my parking space to fetch my vechicle. While taking the bike from the stand I gave my parking ticket to her and told her to give it the guard when we leave the gate dont know what she heard when we reached the gate the ticket was not in her hand.She said she throwed it somewhere ,I was a stage below becoming mad.Fortunately we found the ticket lying somewhere near the place. I dropped her home as soon as possible.
Good God has given me a lot of patience.

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