Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My journey and Prisoner of birth

Its been a long time I had time to read a big novel , thanks to Krishna I got this book 'Prisoner of birth' as a birthday gift . And should appriciate his timing to give the gift ! I had planned my weekend to goto Chennai and while dropping me at the station he handled over this gift. Its pleasent experience to read books on a train journey, I was so engrossed in the novel that I forgot to notice TTR had come to check tickets and worse he also missed me. He thought I hadnt turned up and allocated the berth to somebody else. It took some time of pleading and convincing to get my berth back.

Coming back to the novel Prisoner of birth deals with a criminal case where a innocent has been convicted for a murder he didnt do and how he fights back from it. Court cases and proceedings gave me thought its more like a John Grisham novel. But Archer touches are around the novel here and there.One thing I like in Archer s novel his comparisons of the incident with cricket.
Novel was more predictable but never feltboring throughout the read. All in all its a good time pass !!!

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