Saturday, November 5, 2011

~~Weekend Read(2)~~

  What supposed to be a weekend read got finished in a day ,so I need to figure out what should I do tomorrow.

 Anyways coming back to novel about smart young lawyer quitting a big firm joining a broke legal firm with two lawyers whose main clients are drunk driving cases and divorces. Suddenly they found a case which might bring a big pharma company down. Story goes on how the law suits are fought between big firms who are much organized  compared to the ordinary street lawyers. It was an interesting read !


  1. I enjoyed his early books, 'Pelican Brief' and 'The Firm' but after that lost interest as all of them seemed the same..
    did you read the latest Jeffrey Archer book?

  2. nopes should check in library next time!

  3. let me know how it is...
    I have the book...but don't have time 2 read :(
