Wednesday, October 5, 2011

~~Steve Jobs~~

  Steve Jobs a guy I admire for not the products he gave but for the way he lived his life coming back like a pheonix which was burnt to ashes. He had an amazing vision and his annual speeches will always create an excitement on what new product he is going to unveil. I will remember those.

   When I was doing my undergraduate our college computer lab used to few macintosh systems in between hundreds of normal PCs. Those machines looked exotic and students had to register/require permission to use those. I never had the need to use to those during my college days. Then when ipod was released few of my friends were giving wonderful reviews about it,so when Sivaram came to India I asked him to get me one, he got me i pod shuffle which was sleek and easy to use as we can pin to our sleeves. The trouble I had with ipod compared to normal mp3 players was when I connected to PC I couldn't directly copy paste songs  from my music folder to i pod but I had to rather add the songs to itunes library and then the player picks it from there, a complicated process.  For hearing songs I thought it was a usless process to waste time.

     Afterwards apple introduced many products but for my frugal way of life I considered those luxurious and stayed away from those. The only thing I can afford now is the one below.

But whenever I see that I will remember Steve Jobs!

EDIT: I was listening to the speech gave by Steve in Stanford during 2005. Quoting few of his words
"you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the wellworn path, and that will make all the difference."


  1. Me too not an apple person or any techy stuff person...very happy with my ordinary and simple phone that lets me talk and listen to music and i still use iPad only as a radio...but i do admire Steve's innovative mind and his life

  2. I like the quote very much, heard before!
