Thursday, October 13, 2011

~~Parade and shooting~~

  Last Sunday when we got down at Boston north station first we decided to goto Quincy market but while going there we saw few people crowded at a junction and the roads where completely blocked with cops diverting the traffic. When we walked little closer we saw that there was a major accident in a junction with two trucks and a car collided together. When we arrived at the spot we found it was a mock accident and it was used for shooting a movie.

We waited there for a while since there was no action we started to move suddenly we heard drum beats as we hear in tribal movies in other direction. So we decided to check that out and saw that there was a parade going on ,it was the Taiwanese parade portraying their relationship with US and Boston. It was a long parade and would have had more than 1000 people participating in it.

While walking through the parade we found the red line as told by Sheila.Following this line led to different old buildings statues graveyards and granaries. After


  1. Sri...I told you to follow the red line from Quincy market to Downtown Crossing T station which is more livelier :)

  2. Hey Sri, Boston is always a "happening" place :))
