Monday, October 24, 2011

~~Living in India~~

  I am regular reader of New York times India blog post, where readers share their unique experiences about India. Since many people share their thoughts we get to read diverse views from different set of people. Two days back I read a post from a person who had left India again. The person describes the experiences he felt while returning back to India and elaborated the reasons he decided to go back.
   Most of what he has written was pure ranting though true about India but I am not sure what else he expected his life to be here.  There were lots of thought going in my mind  as soon as I read the post but never had the time to pen it down. Today I read two more blog post from Chetan Bhagat and Sharnell which was good reply to the post and conveyed my thoughts in a better way.


  1. Sri...again u are back to cut n paste ...ok this n paste :)))
    It was interesting to read all three posts. It's a little hard to accept that person's reasons for coming back here. I have friends who have moved to India and are quite happily adjusted and settled including the kids and I have other friends who came back not because they couldn't adjust there but for other personal reasons.
    Wherever we decide to live, it is important we live without any regrets.
    Have to agree with CB that no NRI parties or celebrations come close to Diwali in India. Always homesick during Diwali and Pongal even after 24 years... and...India will ALWAYS be HOME!! :)

  2. yupp ppl loving India will love it no matter how it is :)
