Friday, September 9, 2011

~~Trip to Annapolis~~

 Last Sunday evening we went to Annapolis where there was US naval academy, it was almost an hour ride from Baltimore. When we reached there it was crowded and there were lots of boats and yatches docked in the bay nearby.

We went inside the naval academy but since we got there little late almost most of the building where closed. Then we thought have having an ice cream but the best ice cream shop was also closed. The best thing I liked there was the below stick magnet which was available in the nearby shop.


  1. so..who r u going to give it to Sri???

  2. I didnt buy it I just took a picture of it,so its for my blog readers ,you can take a print out and stick it where ever you want :)
    My virtual gift!!!

  3. ada paavi!!! gift cuda virtual thaanaa???
