Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~~Movies I watched~~

 There were quite few movies I watched over two weeks short reviews for those

1)Invention of lying:
      It was an ideal world in which everybody speaks the truth and they tell what they think. One mans invents how to lie then what happens next is taken in a funny way.

2)Mr Popper's Penguins:
     What happens when a group of penguin is mailed to your house. Jim Carrey played his role wonderfully in the movie and the cute penguins made this movie funny. I watched this movie with Navya and we liked it.

      Watched this movie with Kannan and Suja, Kannan slept within few minutes ,Suja and I watched this two hours of  torture in spite of fast forwarding at many places.

        The movie is about story of boy and girl ,who were neighbours. Movie goes in two tracks one part =its shown from the perspective of the girl's side and other from the boy's side   

1 comment:

  1. want to see penguin movie..

    i remember sitting thru a torturous movie with Shob n Suji in was so torturous that i don't even remember the name :)
